Friday, April 14, 2006

Port Fairy

Hanging out, and relaxing with Nana in Port Fairy, Victoria.

Glenelg Sunset

A beautiful sunset (also a photo posted on March 11th), down at Glenelg Beach in Adelaide. It was such a relief after a 37 degree day.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Three Of Us

Pics of just the 3 of us. Coping with the heat in Adelaide & Port Fairy. Not a bad way to spend March!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hanging Out....

With cousins in Canberra!
Ruby (8), Otis (3), Banjo (2)

What an Adventure...

What a long way to go for an 'almost-3-year-old'!
Four weeks in Australia via Singapore...and a lot of new experiences...

Frightened? You Should Be!

During work on the Commonwealth Games, we the crew got an irresistable offer to shoot a trap gun with the coach of the Australian Team.

At my turn, and very obviously nervous, with about 20 people gathered around watching…the Australian coach whispered in my ear, “you call for the target, and I’ll tell you when to pull the trigger…no-one will ever know…!”.

I still didn't hit the target though...and after 3 tries I had a small bruise on my shoulder a few days later!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Pressure to Pay.

Signs on the train from Lilydale into Melbourne.... (click to enlarge)