Sunday, May 31, 2009

Important Instructions

We put the potty in the bathroom for Rhys......and Big Sister thought it necessary to provide an instructional diagram. (click to enlarge).

Park Pictures

Our Family.....on a beautiful day at Deer Lake.

Piano Princess

Lily's piano concert. After waiting patiently for her turn alongside friend Gabby, she played beautifully....and took home a shiny pink trophy! (click to enlarge photos, as usual)

Growing Gremlin

Rhys is getting big! This is playing in the backyard & park. Spilling a box of Cheerios on the kitchen floor. Passing out on the floor in the living-room....and enjoying the giant sand-box at the Children's Festival.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Silly Snacks

Cheesy Australia's for a snack...thanks to a cookie cutter sent from Australia by Nana.